Sunday, September 26, 2010

happy birthday bonda azim...........40th

1 comment:

  1. Dear Ayah Azim a.k.a Abang Sayang...

    Thank you so much for the birthday party..tak terpikir pulak dah tua-tua ni dapat surprise bday. Thank you too for the birthday presents :D that was really thoughtful of you...

    next time tak payah susah2 buat surprise party..just an "upgrade" of my current diamond ring would be really nice..ha..ha..ha... **hint..hint...**

    azim also wouldn't mind a surpise trip to Disneyland..azim nak jumpa "miki" mouse and "didi" duck...azim nak sing "hotdog..hotdogggg.." with miki and didi

    Anyway..thank you so much again for the really nice surprise...semoga senantiasa dilimpahi rezeki dan rahmat dari Nya..Amin XOXO

    ps: Terima kasih juga buat semua tetamu yang hadir....rupanya ramai bakat terpendam :-)
